Monday, April 20

Random Pics

Me and Dad
0309 334

Family Portrait 1
0309 335

I think this is one of my favorite shots of my mom and dad.
0309 341

Family Portrait 2
0309 343

wine festival
0309 401

Angus Barn Bathroom
0309 408

Interview attire in Angus Barn Bathroom...
0309 409
Easter Pics!!!
0309 265
The Full Basket

0309 246
Dying the Eggs

0309 267
Harry Potter Egg

0309 271
NC state Egg

0309 286
Oi Investigates

0309 308
The colors make the eggs look soo much more festive in the cartons.

0309 314
a family portrait, of sorts..

0309 318
Oi checks out his egg

0309 320
Ozzy checks out his egg

0309 322
Awww, arent we cute

0309 412
Our eggs in the fridge.